brand launch video production

Videos are very much the go-to promotional tool for a range of events and marketing activities, and brand launches are no different. Consider that video marketing has helped 95% of companies increase brand awareness, and as many as 91% of people are actively demanding more videos from the brands they support.

Women filming a makeup brand launch videoVideo is much more engaging than text or images. A compelling narrative delivered via a well-produced video can captivate an audience and drive robust traction for your brand. It’s also a much more versatile medium. You can do practically anything with videos, from showcasing credibility to forging influencer partnerships and even encouraging in-video purchases.

Here are all the ways you can level up a brand launch or reveal with videos.


1. Showcase Products

A brand launch, first and foremost, is a chance to introduce your products to your target audience. Whether you’re in a consumer vertical, such as food and beverage or home improvement, or a B2B vertical, such as software or consultancy services, you don’t want to miss a chance to advertise your offering as you’re revealing your brand. You can take the opportunity to draw parallels between different product or service lines and speak about their USPs, all within one well-executed video to give your customers a holistic view of your brand. 

2. Showcase Brand Identity

With a brand launch video, customers are often looking for a point of differentiation. Brands compete robustly across industries and audiences tend to be inundated with promotional content. How does your brand stand out?

Speaking about your company’s ethos, the kind of value you hope to deliver for your customers, and how you go about your business can all point to a unique brand identity. A video is a great way to showcase this identity and ensure your message resonates with your target audience right from the get-go.

3. Demonstrate Credibility

A brand reveal video also gives you the opportunity to cement your credibility with your potential customers. For example, if you claim you’re a sustainable clothing brand, you can take a moment during the video to highlight your sustainable sourcing and manufacturing practices. Discuss how the communities you procure from are eco-friendly producers and perhaps even include them in the video.

You could also showcase certifications from relevant industry bodies to further boost your credentials. Inserting these proof points in your video helps build trust between you and your customers and could well lead to increased interest from day one.

4. Partner With Influencers/Celebrities

One of the more tried-and-tested brand launch video ideas is to partner with celebrities or influencers to help promote your products. A celebrity endorsement can give your video just the push it needs and significantly improve the appeal of your product to the thousands or millions of viewers who know and trust the celebrity in question. 

It’s worth saying that you don’t necessarily have to rope in A-list celebrities or influencers for a brand reveal video. Often, partnering with micro-influencers in niche spaces can get you better results. These people tend to have smaller, but more dedicated followers, who might well buy into your brand if they see your video pop up on their feed.

Micro-influencer promoting a rand in a video

5. Consider Interactive Videos

Think outside the box when you’re conceptualizing your brand launch video. For example, the narrative doesn’t have to be one-directional. You can include two-way interaction in your videos to make them more engaging. 

TikTok offers you the option of ‘duet videos,’ where, as a brand, you can set challenges for the viewers and let them contribute to the discussion. This is a great way to source audience feedback from the outset. 

YouTube and Instagram have gone further and offer you the option of shoppable videos. With these, you can include product tags and clickable CTAs in the video and let users shop directly through your brand launch video

6. Improve Website SEO

A video is an excellent SEO tool. Search engines like Google recognize that videos are an engaging format and their algorithms tend to promote web pages that have videos embedded, helping you increase traffic.

You can live-stream your brand reveal video or simply embed the video on your website later on. If the video has a substantial number of views on YouTube, the embedded video could do very well for you in improving the search ranking of that web page on Google. What’s more, including a video can also help your pages perform better. A video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by as much as 80%. Ensure any video included is above the fold on a web page for maximum traction.

7. Drive Social Traction

A quality brand launch video is a great asset on social media. As with search engines, videos perform very well on social media — often better than any other content format. You can live-stream your brand reveal video on your social channels as well and repost it later to boost your following. 

A catchy video always has the chance to go viral, netting you lots of free publicity and increased followers on your channels. You can also use videos to direct your followers to the online marketplace for your products and boost sales. 

8. Attract Investors

A cleverly produced brand launch video can appeal to multiple stakeholders. It can be a great asset when you’re trying to rope in new investors for successive funding rounds. For starters, a slick video can do a great job of presenting your brand’s premise and give potential investors all the bullet points of your business model and value proposition. 

Furthermore, if your video proves popular and gains traction with your target audience, it can act as a great proof point for the investors that your brand has quantifiable appeal.

Partner With an Award-Winning Production Studio

Want your brand launch video done exactly right? Work with 336 Productions. We’re a full-service video production company based in Orange County, California. We’ve helped some of the nation’s leading brands increase awareness, expand reach, and grow sales. We’re adept at a very wide range of video styles and types, including live-action, animation, social shorts, ecommerce videos, corporate presentations, and more. Feel free to check out our portfolio or customer testimonials

Reach out to us to discuss your brand launch video project with a production expert.

  • Marlowe Stone

    "Marlowe Stone is the co-owner and co-founder of 336 Productions, a video agency specializing in corporate video production and branded media, producing content for government agencies and some of the world's biggest brands. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the business. Additionally, she writes, produces, and project manages many of 336's projects. In 2022, Marlowe graduated with her Executive MBA from UCI to gain new insights and knowledge. She also holds a certificate in Women's Leadership and Digital Transformation. An Orange County native and mom to two girls, Marlowe is happiest when spending time with her family and friends."

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